The curse of the athlete - the injury or in my case for about a week and a half - two injuries. First injury two Sundays ago I wheelbarrowed one and a half metres of soil and mary river pebble into a retaineir wall - badly strained back made worse by a couple of swim sessions. Injury two - second 15k run through the park in a week seperated by a couple of days and the last two kays I feel a tightening pain in the soleus (calf) and have to limp out of the bush.
Of course my trusty physio and wife immediatley provided first aid and initial injury management advice, "I'm going for a run" and that was it! Fortunatley ice paks for two to three days are not unusual so I did all the right things. Followed by tiger balm and light stretching and voule a week and half later I was on the fixie doing a couple of hours pain free, two days later another two hours on the steel stead - all good.
I don't mention the support from huey luey and duey at this point as I'm sure there thoughts were with me over coffee on the usual saturday morn run without me.
Important part of this story that I didn't mention was even though there was frustration and anxiety in that I couldn't 'train' and it was only about four and a half months to 'the race' - I didn't rush it. One of the benefits of being the 'mature age athlete' is that I've done the stupid things previously or have seen others do it and i know that its just that - stupid!
Competing is not to win but to complete! I wish I had said that but it wasn't me but happens to be the motto of QERA - QLD endurance riders association - well something pretty close to that. I know because my wonderful wife the super athlete has told me many a time whilst competing and us attending one of many horse events of years past.
My ethos is to enjoy training as its a lifestyle choice and to enter a competition is not to beat others or to marvel at those at the pointy end - its to push myself to limits otherwise not enjoyed and at the same time its an opportunity to play all day and not having my children jostling for attention - which is lovingly given always. Whilst out there its hard and punishing but afterwards there is always the next horizon to look towards - this time it just may be competing with the view from behind an IV drip. For the record I was a bag and half boy 17years ago!
I hope to test the calf tomorrow or Friday with a run and lets see what happens - if its no good well the bike and swim will get a smashing and i will treat and wait again.
My injury and time scale is somewhat less important at present as wifeys done the hip from some over zealous stretching and she is competing in the North Face 100 in May. With everything else life hands out - I am a long way from dire straits and at this time my thoughts are with my beautfiul wife who I know is pulling her ever greying hair out.
A word from the wise - don't push it, cross train and above all - remember there are very few elite athletes around and chances are you aren't one of them - look after yourself and enjoy the good times. If also else fails I recommend vitamin N - Nurofen.
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